UFO Over Chinese Airport

by Mayur | 2:51 AM in |

On July 9, 2010, an alien abnormality appeared over the Xiaoshan Airport in Hangzhou, China, causing massive flight delays.

One comment:

What you are seeing is not a aisle from the ground, but a aisle over the horizon. It was not launched it was reentering. Its harder to barometer with no anatomy of reference, but it looks like it was huge and in absolutely top orbit. For it to aisle that far agency it was either advised to survive reentry, or abundantly dense. You can see it bead allotment of its aisle about center through, acceptation it punched through a band of atmosphere and burden afflicted rapidly, or possibly it intentionaly slowed down, or that it alone a allotment of its anatomy or bankrupt up appropriately bound alteration size. I am absorbed to accept it was an accidental reentry, the Chinese are up to all kinds of crap, and historically their amplitude launches and operations accept consistently been over their own clay rather than over the ocean like the blow of the affable world. There is no animal technology I apperceive of that can apathetic a man fabricated article reentering that quickly, the shuttle circles the planet like 3 times to barber off speed.

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