The theme of the fourth annual exhibition-contest "Art in Science» (Art of Science), organized by Princeton University, was energy. The competition featured more than 115 works, whose authors were students, graduates and university staff. Entries shots one way or another connected with the research. The best works whose authors have symbolic prizes, chosen both for their scientific interest, as well as for aesthetic quality.1. Chemical apparatus graduate of Princeton University, David Naguib, called "therapeutic illumination, took second place, and its author received the prize in the 154.51 dollar. This device mimics the photosynthesis process for the production of medicines and other essential substances. "Our project illustrates the experimental study using energy-efficient compact fluorescent light bulbs to produce different colored photocatalysts", - says Naguib. (David Nagib / Princeton University Art of Science Competition)
2.The first place prize of $ 250 went Jerry Ross - a researcher at Princeton lab - for his image "xenon plasma accelerator. In this photo visible plume from the engine galvanomagnetic effect (Hall effect), which uses magnetic and electric fields to ionize and accelerate the engine. (Jerry Ross / Princeton University Art of Science Competition)
3. Third place (and a prize of U.S. $ 95.49) in the contest "The Art of Science" became a student of the Faculty of Physics, Kobe, Tim for computer simulations of stellar orbits, which he called "Neutron scattering stars supermassive black hole." The amount of prizes of the contest is, according to the golden ratio - a mathematical proportions, which was found in an aesthetically pleasing designs - from seashells to ancient Greek temples. (Tim Koby / Princeton University Art of Science Competition)
4. This image shows a disordered structure of the material that blocks light above the transparent range of frequencies. It also shows the pattern of the electric field for electromagnetic waves propagating through the network with a frequency slightly below the unacceptable level. The researchers argue that this material can be used for data collection and energy conversion. Authors image - Students at Princeton University, Marian Florescu, Paul and Salvatore Shtaynhardt Torkato. (M. Florescu, P. Steinhardt, S. Torquato / Princeton University Art of Science Competition)
5. Image Craig Jacobson was created as part of the calibration of the spectrometer system for the Thomson scattering on lithium Tokamak "in the laboratory of the University. This diagnosis is used to measure the electron temperature and density in the plasma equipment, including the experimental equipment of fusion energy. The colors represent the intensity of light. (Craig Jacobson / Princeton University Art of Science Competition)
6. This spot of light in the form of heart - the result of attempts to Nick Bax create "optical trap" - tightly focused laser beam, which can retain microscopic particles stable in three dimensions. "This beam should be as round, so that after a day of calibration, I realized that this is the round beam, which I could get," - says the Bucks. - In the background you can see the drops of quartz, which I unsuccessfully tried to catch in its "optical trap". (Nick Bax / Princeton University Art of Science Competition)
7. As depicted transistor in a plastic case, plastic poured into twisted electrodes, which can be seen here as a bright orange bar. These electrodes transmit the flow to and from the active channel (in this case green). The image was taken Kvangseok Lee, Lynn Loo and Philip Chu. (K. Lee, L. Loo, P. Chew / Princeton University Art of Science Competition)
8. Princeton University student Meghan Bellows created this "cartoon" representation of the peptide (purple) attached to the antigen human leukocyte (gray). Grid on this image shows the molecular surface of antigen in a certain connected "pocket". (Meghan Bellows / Princeton University Art of Science Competition)
9. In this image made by Dan left, see the lithium Lorentz force accelerator in one of the recent experiments to study the acceleration mechanisms of these engines. (Dan Lev / Princeton University Art of Science Competition)
10. It is believed that the noise is harmful to the transmission of signals. Nevertheless, he still has a considerable amount of energy that can be useful in certain situations, if it is, of course, correct use. In this experiment, physicists Dmitry Dylov and Jason Fleischer used the "nonlinear" material - which is known to alter the behavior of light in strange ways - to extract energy from the noise. In this image reviewed the Olympic rings, lubricated noise signals. (D. Dylov, J. Fleisher / Princeton University Art of Science Competition)
11. Objects floating in highly viscous liquids, causing well-structured scheme of the flow. These flows appear as a series of thin layers. In this picture ball was submerged near the open surface tank filled with a silicon oil, which is 5000 times more viscous than water. Authors image - Shelley Chan, Josey Zhnitman and Alexander Smith. (S. Chan, J. Sznitman, A. Smits / Princeton University Art of Science Competition)
12. This picture shows a frozen section of mouse eyes, which see the connective tissue, blood vessels, the white of the eye and part of the retina. The green part of the eye are rich in calcium-binding protein, called kalretinin. The nucleus blue. Round Education - blood vessels. The image was created Praveen Joseph de Saram and Michael J. Berry II. (P. Saram, M. Berry, II / Princeton University Art of Science Competition)
13. The study by David Heinz effects of surface tension eventually led to the creation of the image drops of water in contact with the water surface. The picture was taken later to seize this "crown" of water rather than the interaction of the surface tension between the droplet and water. The momentum of light, lasting only 1 / 100 000 1yu seconds, was used for "freezing" of water drops at the time of spraying. (David Heinz / Princeton University Art of Science Competition)
14. The origin of energetic particles in astrophysics is still a mystery. The process, known as "magnetic reconnection", can convert magnetic energy into particle energy. In this process the magnetic field will be limited to magnetic islands (represented as red blisters on this picture), among which are high-energy particles (yellow dots with tails). Although this image of Lorenzo Siron and Anatoly Spitkovsky has no relation to biology, it is visually like a flash of energy in the cell life. (L. Sironi, A. Spitkovsky / Princeton University Art of Science Competition)
15. This amazing structure of RNA was established during the investigation Princeton University student John Bracht of RNA folding. "Perhaps this picture does not transmit biologically real structure, but visually it is very interesting", - said Bracht. (John Bracht / Princeton University Art of Science Competition)
16. This image is a scanning electron microscope shows a marble surface, which had accumulated a protective layer of apatite. Acid rain is a threat to the marble buildings, monuments and sculptures, and apatite is more resistant against acids than marble. In the laboratory, the conservation of works of art at Princeton University, Sonia Naidu and Enrico Sasson explore the use of protection for the surface treatment that forms a "forest" of apatite crystals on the marble. (S. Naidu, E. Sassoni / Princeton University Art of Science Competition)
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