Smile please but carefully +18

by Mayur | 6:16 AM in |

Marry and make a woman happy OR remain a bachelor and make several women happy!

A pregnant lady went to an astrologer.
Astrologer: When u delivers a baby, baby's father will die.
Lady: Thank god! My husband is safe!

There are only 5 things we need in life: Good friends, Good job, Good food, Good sleep & Good _ UCK. Whatever u are thinking... is right.

A cute Nurse came 4 the interview.
Dr: What salary U Xpect?
Nurse: Rs.10,000.
Dr was overjoyed & said: My Pleasure.
Nurse: With pleasure it's 25,000

In order to get 100/100 in life, a man requires 100% talent, whereas a woman requires only 4% talent & the remaining is only 36-24-36

Food for thought: Why to suffer trying by all means to become rich and wear expensive branded clothes, when most beautiful things in life we do naked.

Q: Which boy has the permission to get into a girls' bathroom and touch her anywhere she likes?
A: Lifebuoy.

A Guy picks up a girl for the date. Why are u wearing ur belt around ur knee.?
Girl: I promised my mom that I wouldn't let you touch me below my belt.

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