The two-year Indonesian boy Hardy Rizal smokes 40 cigarettes a day and runs into hysterics, if you do not give him a cigarette. The boy can not play with other children because of health problems, But his father believes that his son being in perfect order. A child suffering from nicotine addiction since his father, Mohammed gave the boy first cigarette, When Hardy was 18 months.

Now the child moves a toy truck, producing a ring of cigarette smoke, because of poor health can not run together with other children. "He is completely dependent. If he does not get cigarettes, he gets angry, screams and beats his head against the wall. He tells me that he felt dizzy, and sick ", - says the child's mother, 26-year-old Diana. Local authorities have promised to his parents - the inhabitants of a fishing village in South Sumatra, to buy a family car, if the boy quit. However, Hardy's father, 30-year-old fishmonger Mohammed is no threat to the health of the child does not see.

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