Christians In The Desert - Pretending

by Mayur | 1:11 AM in |

Two Christians were lost in the Sahara desert .

One is called George one is called Micheal .

They were dying of hunger and thirst when they suddenly came upon an oasis , with what looked like an emirat of a mosque in the middle .

Micheal said to George : "Look let's pretend we are muslim, otherwise these Arabs are going to kill us . I am going to call my self Mohammed."

George refused to change his name , he said :" My name is george , and I will not pretend to be other than but what I am . ...George ."

The Immam of the mosque received both well and asked about their names .

Micheal said : "My name is Mohammed ."

George said : My name is George. "

The Immam turned to the helpers of the mosque and said :

" Please bring some food and water for George only ."

Then he turned to the other and said :

" Well Mohammed I hope you are aware that we are still in the holy month of Rhamadan ."

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