An amusing example of photo manipulation was shown by the state Egyptian newspaper Al-Ahram. The photo above was taken during the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks in Washington two weeks ago.

On the red carpet, there are the Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, American President Barack Obama, Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas and Jordan's King Abdullah. But the same photo on the red carpet in the Egyptian newspaper looked a little different..

So, in this picture, in front of the procession is not Barack Obama but the Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. The editors of the newspaper apparently decided that it was a better place for Mubarak to be in the picture.

The discrepancy between the published and the actual photo was noticed by Egyptian blogger Wael Khalil. The editors of the newspaper didn’t react to the article in his blog for two days, but yesterday, they finally removed the photograph from the pages of their online newspaper version.


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